




“HelloBoss” just released a brand new “AI Resume Photo” function. Users can use the app to automatically generate more than 20 different photos for resume by simply uploading one single daily photo! This is equipped with our proprietary generative AI technology, and is the first time in Japan for a recruiting service to implement a face photo generation function using generative AI in its service.


HelloBoss发布了全新的 “AI 简历照片 “功能。用户只需上传一张日常照片,即可使用该APP自动生成 20多张不同的简历照片!该功能采用了独家生成式人工智能技术,是日本首次在招聘服务中使用生成式人工智能技术实现人脸照片生成功能。

For more details, please check here (Japanese):
